Eli Bryans Celebrates 20 years at RSI

How has your role changed since you first started?
I went from being a helper, not knowing how to wire up a simple freezer time clock or even so much as a cooler coil, and with minimal experience and pipe fitting and brazing. Now I train other helpers and perform startup duties calibrations and service calls. I’ve gone from being a helper to being a lead install technician.
What would you consider to be your biggest achievement(s) while working here?
Knowledge, experience, and respect for all personnel, including, but not limited to other trades.
Favorite work-related memory?
I would have to say doing an install at Reunion Tower and setting condensers and piping in equipment on the roof in the winter. It was cold and kind of scary, but man that was a beautiful view.
What advice would you give to new employees just starting their journey with us?
I know times may seem hard, but if you break it down to simplicity, it’s only work. This is what you’ve been training for or what you will be training for.
What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?
I love to go disc golfing whenever I have a chance. It’s peaceful walking through the woods, letting your aggressions out on throwing a frisbee into a chain with precision. I also like to drink beer and bourbon with friends and family with good music. Along with doing projects around my house, weather permitting.