How to Take Care of Your Merchandisers

Refrigerated Specialist Inc. (RSI) President, Scott Hester and other service agents recently gave Foodservice Equipment Reports some tips on how operators can better take care of their merchandisers.

In this article, Scott’s tip is to not overload your hot and cold merchandisers. Air flow is very important, and overloading can cause the piece of equipment to work harder. Additionally, do not try to use your refrigerated merchandiser to cool down hot products. This also contributes to your refrigeration equipment working harder than it should. Also, this can cause excess condensation, which can potentially overflow the collection pan and leak into the case or onto the floor. As a result, this could cause equipment to rust or rot, and even cause employee or customer slips and falls.

“I’m always surprised when employees use case coolers to lower the temperature of hot or unrefrigerated products,” Scott told FER. “When perishables are involved that could end in spoilage or, worse, making people sick.”

Check out the FER article “How to Take Care of Your Merchandisers”

Foodservice Equipment Reports

If you want to learn more tips on how to take care of your merchandiser, check out the FER article now!

Additionally, if you need service for your refrigerated merchandiser, contact RSI today!

Contact RSI for all your commercial refrigeration needs.

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