New Article by John Orr:
Proper Ice Machine Cleaning and Maintenance
RSI’s own John Orr recently wrote an article about cleaning and maintenance of ice machines. The article called “Proper Ice Machine Cleaning and Maintenance” was published by ACHR News this month. In the article, Orr covers the seven points to ensure proper cleaning and maintenance for your business’ ice machines.
“The quality and safety of every beverage they serve as well as the longevity and power consumption of their equipment depends on proper maintenance of this equipment,” Orr said.
Since ice is considered food by the FDA, it is important that you keep up with cleaning and maintenance of your ice machine. Some of the seven points Orr states in this article include water filtration, chemicals, cleaning tools, production checks and more.
Additional Manufacturers Tips:
The ACHR News article also goes on to discuss some additional tips from ice machine manufacturers. One of these tips even involves using a ketchup bottle for cleaning your ice machine.
“If you find it difficult to pour ice machine cleaner or sanitizer into the water trough, fill an empty squeeze ketchup bottle and squirt it in,” Jonathan Bailey, Manitowoc Ice factory school instructor, said.
If you want to make your customers happier by providing better ice, then this is an article you should definitely check out. Additionally, these tips can help you improve your ice machine’s performance and extend its service life.
Read the ACHR News article:
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